Saturday, March 23, 2019

Loving our planet with a super SMILE

Start your day with a smile to yourself.  Mother Earth is truly smiling upon you each and every sunrise.

Walk on Earth, not concrete. When we walk on concrete, we burn our feet and suffocate Mother Earth. When we walk on Earth we massage the Earth and she smiles. 

Concrete smothers the Earth's ability to breath.



With eyes open and clear one can see the happiness that the earth provides.  Earth, our mother.  We are love and nature love us and we are nature.

When in the city feel Mother Earth even when the earth is far beneath your feet. Look at the Sister Sky, see her, feel her. She is beautiful and peaceful, the air, the trees, the ocean. They are all around us.  The Sister Sky and the Mother Earth.

Celebrate Mother Earth every day as she is all we have.

When you go to sleep you say,  "good night," to her and she brings you peace. Her gift is the new day. Each day brings 24 hours to play and live in her world... our world. The new day is a gift which brings a new adventure. This day will never come again. Once gone it is lost forever except within our hearts and minds. Love, smile, play, eat and hug your love ones. Your heart and soul will soar.

With every shining heart filled with pure elation we can bring peace back to Mother Earth, thus completing her cycle.

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